Thursday, February 16, 2017

February 13, 2017

Another all-new program, the last for a while, featuring only six tracks.  A nice mix of styles, I thought, from super-straight-ahead (which I infrequently play) to some fairly-out there stuff.  Diverse instrumentation as well and one vocal track (again, vocals rarely appear on BTT).

Next week, it'll be back to the usual mix of old and new.  From what I've got planned so far, things will be pretty varied stylistically as well.  The Feb. 20 program will be my last... for a week.  I'll be away for the Feb. 27 show; Linda Cunningham will be filling in, as she has done many times in the past, and will do her regular fantastic job.  I'll be back for the first edition of Breaking The Tethers in March, on March 6.


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