Monday, January 22, 2024

December 25, 2023

Here's the link to the Christmas Day 2023 edition of Breaking The Tethers: This was a fun show and a different one. Over the years, I've rarely had to do a show on Christmas Day so I've kept the the "Christmas" BTT shows on other days pretty light on the holiday element; a few Xmas songs here, a few there, some funny stuff, some serious stuff. As BTT fell smack dap on Christmas this year, I figured I would go whole hog holiday. Everything was Christmas, all the tracks. There was still jazz (e.g. "We wish you a funky Christmas" by Adam Shulman) but most of the tracks came from other genres (rock, funk, folk, comedy, sound collage, and more) and were, basically, crazy. Give the podcast a listen and join in the nuttiness!



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