Tuesday, December 6, 2022

December 5, 2022

This was the first show back from me after a week away (many thanks again to Brennan Chaudry for filling in!).  Looking at the tracklist, this was a good representative sample of what BTT is about these days. On a practical level, I also managed to fit in one or two tracks that have been on my "play sometime soon" list for too long e.g. "Uno" by Nacho Szulga's 5.

The Christmas season is nearly upon us. There will be Breaking The Tethers episodes on either side of Christmas Day itself, including a show on Boxing Day. As in past years, on these programs, I'll play some regular BTT fare plus a few off-kilter seasonal items.

There's one more episode before we get to Christmastime, however. This will be on Monday, December 19, from 10 to 11 am MT, at cjsw.com or 90.9 FM. See you then!



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